Technical info

Mechanical Properties

Paint Coating Finish

Aluminium Alloy Properties

Fire Classification


Testing Item Standard Result
Unit weight ASTM D792 t3min=4.6kg/m2 t4mm=5.5kg/m2
Outdoor temperature resistance ASTM D1654 No abnormity
Thermal expantion ASTM D696 3.0 X 10-5 °C-1
Thermal deformation ASTM D648 115 °C
Thermal conduction ASTM 976 0.102kcal/ °C
Flexural rigidity ASTM C393 14.0 X 105
Impact resistance ASTM D732 180 kg-cm
Adhesive strenght ASTM D903 0.74kgf/mm
Sound-insulation rate ASTM E413 29dB
Flexural Elasticity ASTM D790 4055kg/mm2
Shear resistance ASTM D732 2.6kgf/mm2
Minimum bending radius ASTM D790 ≥300mm
Fire propagation ASTM E84 Qualified
Smoke developed ASTM E84 45
Wind-pressure resistance ASTM E330 Passed
Properties against water ASTM E331 Passed
Properties against air ASTM E283 Passed


Testing Standard Result
Finish coat thickness ISO 2360 (CNS 8406) 35.6 um
Gloss ASTM D523-99 20-45%
Pencil hardness ASTM D3363-00 2H
Toughness ASTM D4145-83 2T no rift
Adhensive force ASTM D3359-97 4 B
Impact resistance ASTM D2794-93 >
Abrasion resistance ASTM D968-93 64.6L/mil
Mortar resistance ASTM 605.2-91 24 hrs No blister
Humidity resistance ASTM D714-97
ASTM D2247-02
4000 hrs No Blister
Boiling-water resistance ASTM D3359-B Passed
Salt-spray resistance ASTM B117-03 4000 hrs No Blister
Acid resistance ASTM D1308-87
AAMA 605.2-91, TEST#7, 7.31
No Effect
Alkali resistance ASTM D1308-87 Passed
Solvent resistance ASTM D2248-73
Color retention ASTM D2244-93 △E = 0.30
Chalk resistance ASTM D4214-98 No Chalking
Gloss retention ASTM D2244-93 87%
AA3105 H14 Properties
Chemical Composition (%)
Aluminum Balance
Silicon 0.60 max
Iron 0.70 max
Copper 0.30 max
Manganese 0.30 – 0.80
Magnesium 0.20 – 0.80
Chromium 0.20 max
Zinc 0.40 max
Titanium 0.10 max
Other each 0.05 max
Other total 0.15 max
Mechanical Properties
Temper H14
Tensile Strength 150 - 200
Yield Strength 120 min
% Elongation 3.0 min
Surface spread of
Flame Classification
BS-476 Part 7 Class 1

Class 1, The flame spread after 15 and 10 minutes must be less than 165 mm.

Fire Propagation BS-476 Part 6 Class 0

Class 0, Total Index 0.1, Total index of performance (i1) to be less than 6,Lower Index then the better the resistance of a material to fire growth

Ignitability BS-476 Part 5 Passed

None of the specimen flames for more than 10s after removal of the test flame

Reaction of Fire DIN 4102 Part 1 Class B1

Classification of building products for the German market according to DIN 4102-1, The fire class is denoted “B1” Not easily flammable

Fire Classification DIN EN13501 Class B-s1,d0

European classification of building products to DIN EN13501, the fire class is denoted “B-s1,d0” Difficult to ignite, no smoke, no flaming particle/ droplets.

Steiner Tunnel Test ASTM E84 Class A

The National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code 101; Class A Being the lowest flame spread & Class C Being the highest.

Vertical Burning Test UL-94 V-0

V-0, The specimens not burn with flaming combustion for more than 10 seconds after either application of the test flame.

Toxic fume evaluation ISO-TR-9122-3 Passed

Not exceed the value of FTP Code Toxicity Criteria by evolution of Toxic Fumes Generated from Materials Sample During Burning